Most of the Facebook accounts hacked for no reason

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Most of the Facebook accounts hacked for no reason

 These days, you may hear a lot about people's Facebook accounts getting into someone else's hands for no reason. Simply put, we can say that Facebook accounts are hacked.

Today, let's talk about whether your Facebook account has been hacked, how Facebook accounts can be hacked, and how we can protect ourselves from such things.

How to Hack Facebook Accounts?

Most of the time, a hacker's goal is to steal your personal data. So hackers use different methods for this.

01. Phishing Attack

Phishing Attack is one of the oldest methods that many of you have heard. What happens here is to create a login page that is similar to the interface of Facebook's login page and send it to us. There, after logging in to your Facebook account, instead of logging in to Facebook, an error message like Invalid Logins Details is shown to you. But as soon as you click the Sign In button on this fake login page, your email and password will be sent to the hacker. So if you don't turn on Two-Step Verification, the attacker can easily log into your account.

02. Keylogging

What happens in this method is that the attacker installs an App that runs in the background without you knowing it in your device. So this method is also known as Remote Access Trojans (RAT). RATs like this can be installed automatically when you install crack software and mod apps. These RATs can send passwords saved on your device to a person far away without your knowledge. Not only that, even the bank details and credit card details that you save on the device can be sent to someone else.

03. Password Storage

Many Logging Credentials for their own convenience; Save in Web Browser. Any person who knows the password of your PC or laptop device can get the saved password very easily from the browser.

04. Large Database Breaches

These large-scale attacks are based on companies. What happens here is that a company's data server is accessed and mail, password and many confidential data are stolen. The login credentials stolen in this way are tried by the hackers for login on various websites. This is often done using bots. Many accounts can be successfully accessed there. This is also known as Credential Stuffing.

05. Social Engineering

In this case, the victim's personal information is revealed using various tricks or various malicious links are clicked with the knowledge of the victim. People with low computer literacy are often caught for this.


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