1)so starting off with My Water.
now this reminds you in a very simple way to drink some water throughout your day. so every time you take a drink, you tell the watch by simply tapping on the Add button then tapping on the water plan or tea or whatever you just drank you have between milk, coffee tea or water it i normally drink water or tea and then if you had a glass you click on glass 30 millimeters or whatever you want.
FREE | My Water Balance App Store link HERE
2) all right so Our next up is Song pop 2

dance pop of 2014 .let's click that and once you click that the game will actually put you in a game with one person that you don't know or if you want to choose a friend you can do it as well so if click play it puts you songs but random songs and you have to get some.
it will play random songs. so yeah there's a lot of playlist you can play with your friends and you can see who knows more music than the other person.Very very fun game and the music actually placed on the speakers and you don't get to listen to music from your Apple watch very often. so this is pretty cool the app is very fast which is very important for the Apple watch.
FREE | Song Pop2 App store link HERE
3. Our next app is iTranslate.

FREE | iTranslate App store link HERE
4) so Our next app is Seven

this is the best app to start with. so you can choose between a full body workout or there's a different workout to be random or just your shoulders or whatever you want.This app is called 7 by the way ,because it's a seven-minute workout. so a circuit is seven minutes if you want to do more than one circuit so if you want to do 14 circuits,You can do it as well.We can change a lot of stuff so it's very customizable so if you press Start for example, it would tells you three two one sad jumping jacks
and there's like a coach that talks to you in a way and it pushes you harder at,because your heart rate.but if you want to just and the workout you just pause it if you want or cancel it and then if you don't like to workout you're doing right now you can press next and that will do go to the next one.
FREE | Seven- 7 App store link HERE
5 )now finishing off is an app for youtubers,It's sub count.
FREE | subcount App store link HERE
We know you guys love these apps because good apps are hard to find and actually and we try to bring you the best apps.Comment your ideas.and stay tune with us for best apps for apple watch.