Man has always been an inventor.When work was found to be dangerous, difficult or boring man invented tools or machines to do this work.One such tool invented was the robot.Robotics is the science of giving various human capabilities to machines.As a result man has invented these half-intelligent machines whose work we hardly notice.The automated teller machines in banks help us withdraw money and they even thank us with mechanical politeness.
In some countries robots act as drivers and guards and even run the underground train.It was a Czechoslovakian play wright who in 1990 called the machines "robots".in the Czech language "robot" means forced labor.
As scientists progressed in their research,they designed a robot able to mow a hundred acres of wheat land alone and without human help.Already solar powered self-steering lawn mowers are in use.The miniaturization of of electronics and micro mechanics has made the robots perform brain and bone surgery with accuracy and precision.Their work seems more skilled than that of the most highly skilled surgeons.
However,we know that the human mind is more talented and human beings are more aware or what is happening around them.It is the human mind that quickly sees the relevant information in any situation and disregards the irrelevant information.The most advanced computer systems on earth do not have this kind of ability and neuro scientists still do no know quite how humans do it.
Information theorists,neuro scientists and computer experts together are trying to find ways of making robots more intelligent and human like.In Japan they have created a "face robot"-a life size,soft size,soft plastic model of a female head with a video camera inside the left eye.
Robots are machines which have AI or Artificial Intelligence.Scientists have still not been able to make a robot with the complexity of the human brain.Few scientists now claim that complete machine intelligence is possible.Whatever form robotics finally takes in the future,we will be living with more and smarter robots.