The third migration of human beings into India is what history usually starts with and is called Aryan migration.The people who wondered into the Indian sub continent through the easier gaps of the mountainous wall came from the areas north west of India extending to the land between the Caspian and the Black seas.This took place between 1500 and 1000 BC.
However,at the time the Aryans arrived,Indus valley already had a civilization,with settlement of half million square miles,villages,towns and two cities of 73 miles circumference,400 miles apart.They were called Mohenjo Daro and Harappa.

excavations show that the grew barley,peas.sesame seeds,mangoes and dates on irrigated fields.Also they grew bananas,lemons,limes,oranges and grapes. They.They bred buffalo,came and cattle for draft and meat.
The houses they had built were of the four sided courtyard plan wit ha stair case and upper floor or flat roof providing for the occasional flooding.people preferred to live there,because the floods also bring the soil and clay essential for their agriculture and brick making.They developed instruments like axes,knives,saws,spears and short swords.
Trade with other civilization at Nile and Mesopotamia took place with ships sailing through the Mediterranean.For agriculture,transport and food production they used the hump backed camel.
The administrative organization of the Indus Valley was divided into two parts.North and South and were treated as two centers. It.It was regarded as the largest empire in the world before the emergence of Roman Empire.Indus Valley Civilization has no political history due to the lack of a royal lineage and clear political incidents.
The cause of the decline of the Indus Valley Civilization is not clear expect the fact that there was greater pressure from the new arrivals,the resident brown skinned people,as they were called,moved out to the South East on a line from Mohenjo Daro. The sudden cessation of the civilization from the Harappa area may have been caused either by some natural disaster or by the occurrence if fighting.Archaeologists infer that this happened about 1400 BC.