How to be happy ? and Necessity is the Mother of invention.

How to be happy ? and Necessity is the Mother of invention.

How to be happy ?

Happiness is very elusive.Try best to keep it,and it will escape.Usually the more you try to be happy the more you become disappointed.You think you will be happy by eating a lot of delicious food and you do so.In no time you will feel very uncomfortable due to the heavy stomach.Some people belive that they will be happy if they have a lot of money.But are the rich people really happy?You may see them travel in Pajeros,Volvos and Benz.You may be fascinated by their expensive clothing.With all that they are not happy at heart.They worry a lot about their wealth.they can't sleep at night.They can't set and drink as they wish.Many suffer bodily and mentally.Would you say that such people are happy?                             
                    The world around us is not empty of things which bring us happiness.Good health is one of them.If you want to be happy,keep yourself healthy.Then there is work.Do some honest good work that will benefit both you and others equally.Buddhist Meditation,Sport,fine arts,Social work and being kind and helpful to people around you,bring you happiness.When you excel in a sport,become a good musician or an artist you feel happy.When you see how retarded or sick people are made happy with your help,you too feel happy.When you how comforted,how soothed and reassured they are by your words and actions,you feel extremely happy. Gautama Buddha has repeatedly preached that we will happy when we clear our minds of anger,lust and selfishness.He has further stressed that we will happy if we fill our minds with love,friendship,kindness and regard for others.So can't we be happy? 

Necessity is the Mother of invention

You have a color television set in your visiting room.Suppose you got it from nature as you get air and water.If man got all what he wanted from nature he would not bother to invent anything.When the earliest man lived in the jungles he was a hunter.When he realized that he couldn't rely on catching animals with his hands he invented other methods.He dug pits and covered them with leaves.When unsuspecting animals set feet on leaves they fell into the pits.Likewise the early man had invented few other means as traps to catch animals.Later when he becomes a cultivator he invented crude stone tools to dig and plough land and to harvest the crops.He had to invent clothes to keep himself warm,weapons to kill animals and to cut the meat.The wheel,thatched homes,dams,and the water wheel which helped him to water the crops are remarkable inventions.Man invented all of them due to necessity.       
                               Look around.What a vast number of new inventions help you in various ways.Power tools,automated vehicles the telephone,television,fax machine and thousands of other invention make your life comfortable.Then early man used a stone axe to cut a tree,and it took days and days to fell it.Later when he invented the metal saw the job became easier.When he required a sharper efficient tool which could be operated without tiring himself he invented the power saw.You will see that the main reason behind all these inventions is nothing else but necessity.Do you think that man will stop here?No,he will go on inventing gadgets to meet with requirements.This will surely happen so long as man is on Earth.

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