The Olympic Games

The Olympic Games

Many centuries ago,the Olympic games were held in Greece in honour of the Greek god Zeus.The Olympic festivals were a peaceful influence on a nation of states which were constantly at war with one another.The sacred month of the games became a time for peace and friendship.The festival lasted for five days and became an expression of the Greek idea that "a man's body should be just as fit and healthy as his mind".The winners received many prizes of which the most treasured was a wreath of olive leaves.It was considered a great honor to win this prize.
Only the Greeks were permitted to participate in these games.Women were not allowed even to enter te area as they were considered inferior to men.The games were held every four years and so important did these festival become that the Greeks came to measure time by the four year intervals between them,called an Olympiad.
The Olympic games lasted many centuries but after /Romans conquered Greece the Olympics began to lose its sacred qualities and were abolished for nearly 1500 year.The games were however revived by a Frenchman Pierre de Coubertin,who strongly believed that the glory of ancient Greece was partly due to its athletic festivals.He was  sad to see so much enmity among the nations due to various differences such as race,religion,wealth,politics and even the color of the skin.He arranged for  a meeting of representatives of athletics associations from different countries and there he pointed out that unity could be achieved trough an international sports festival where athletes of all nations could be brought together.His idea was accepted and the first modern Olympics was held in Greece in 1896.

Today the Olympics is one of the greatest events that brings the world together.The games are held in different cities every four years and aim to promote world peace.Women take part in the games and winners are given medals.The Olympic flag has five interlaces rings on a white background.They represent the five continents.The International Olympic Committee(IOC)is responsible for the continuation and development of the Olympic games.
To win a medal is not easy.Behind every medal lies a life time of discipline,dedication,hard work and talent.The Olympic games also carry an important message to the world-"not to win but a take part"

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